01 January 2008

May I be the first to wish you all a happy 2009?

Leaving my warped sense of humour aside, I'll tell you that I'll be taking a look at the prospects for this year a little later. I would do it now, but I ate my own weight (which, as some of you will be aware, is quite a lot) in onion rings and overcooked sausage rolls, and I'm paying for that now.

So for now, let me just say happy new year to everyone. Even the greasy little pervert who got here by putting the words 'goldie blair bondage sex' into a search engine. I don't know who you are but, really, that's just sick.


Bill said...

Even the greasy little pervert who got here by putting the words 'goldie blair bondage sex' into a search engine.

Ah, my little secret is out, I see ;) Of course, 'it wisnae me!' - lol.

A Happy 2008 to you, though! :)

I won't be getting back to blogging for a day or so yet, so this little comment will have to do for now ...

Marco Biagi said...

A happy 2009? You would indeed be the first to wish a happy 2009. I didn't think I slept *that* much this morning.

Will said...

I try to get in there early. Everyone is offering their best wishes for 2008, so I saw a chance to go one step ahead.

Of course, I have a habit of setting all my clocks several minutes fast so that I turn up to things with time to spare, so my 'George V' tendencies were coming to the fore as well.

And Bill, I believe you, though I fear we have not seen the last of the fantasist. I once had a mate who fantasised about Peter Mandelson, despite claiming to be heterosexual. Yeurgh!!!!!!