10 May 2007

A Personal Statement

Hello everybody,

As readers of TerryWatch may know, Terry has said some rather nasty things about me and my well-known sexual orientation, and it's fair to say that I've taken them rather badly. So badly that rather than use the normal means of Terry's Comment section, I've gone straight to the man himself for clarification. He hasn't had time to answer me, but he has had time to post another set of rants. Anyway Jim Lewis has entered the debate.

Basically, Clairwil's picked up on the current situation, I have little to add and I'm trying to keep my distance, but I would like to state the following regarding Jim Lewis's comment:

At no time have I ever consorted with Brian Souter. If I had, I would have sold my story to a tabloid a long time ago!


Surreptitious Evil said...

But DID you shoot Bambi's mother?


Will said...

No, that was Terry's doing.

Clairwil said...

I still can't get over that comment. What on earth was he thinking? Was he thinking?

Clairwil said...

Now I think on it. Do you think Terry might have rabies?

Fidothedog said...

Nothing suprises me with regards TKMax.

Will said...

"Do you think Terry might have rabies?"

I think he started rabies!

Anonymous said...

I kind of got that Will. My argument with Terry was based on the premise that association with a group doesn't necessarily imply association with all its actions. Clearly you're a member of the SNP, which as it happens consorts with Souter, a raging homophobe. Equally clearly, you don't approve of Souter, but you don't pick your ball up and go home. No, you stay and work toward making the party a better one. What Terry misses here - perhaps I should say one of the many many things Terry misses - is that this is the only logic which would allow him to stay in a Labour Party, or his church, when their stated aims are so at odds with his own. It might just be me, but Terry's entertainment value is waning a bit, I find. It's too easy.

Will said...

That's pretty much what I thought, Jim... I just wanted to try and insert a bit of levity into the situation, though that was before Terry's e-mail made things worse.

BTW, I was in the Hall when the donation was announced. My first reaction was as follows:

"I feel guilty for swearing when I found out that the Stagecoach bus fare had gone up now..."

James Higham said...

Yes, I have a problem with my sexual orientation too. A few posts back, I included some shots.

Unknown said...

My goodness, leave the man alone.

Who gives a flying monkey what 1 mere Labour (ex?)councillor thinks of someone's sexuality...