31 October 2006

The MacNumpty Awards

With the knowledge that this blog's first anniversary is coming up, and that it'll soon be the end of the year, now seems as good a time as any to introduce the First Annual MacNumpty Awards. But being the lazy git that I am, I'm going to ask most of you to do the hard work, by nominating your winners (and losers) in my two main categories: Best and Worst Performance. I'll put together a politically-balanced shortlist at the end of the month.

Also, if you fancy any other categories being introduced, drop me a line.


Mark McDonald said...

How does this work Will?

Will said...

Nothing to it, Mark... I'm asking reders to put a name forward for one of the categories (a reason for the nomination would help as well), and I'll put together a short-list from suggestions I receive.

If you think there's a category that ought to be created as well, then by all means suggest one: I'm thinking of adding 'Waste of Money of the Year'.

Will said...

And why can't I type anymore?

Mark McDonald said...

This is politicians I assume?

Will said...
